🧁Cite credible sources.
🧁Include facts, stats and quotes.
🧁Think about the narrative you want to tell.
🧁Edit out anything that doesn’t support your narrative.
🧁Key takeaway.
🧁Strong headline – why should the reader care?
🧁Make it action-orientated – use strong verbs.
🧁Think about outlining your sections: context, problem/opportunity/proposed outcome.
🧁Think! minimal text!!
🧁As you write, think about the design – include comments to let the designer know your ideas for layout.
🧁Get your value proposition in upfront – what will people learn from reading this?
🧁Edit, edit, EDIT – make it short, sharp and to the point.
🧁Think! What happens next? Where does the infographic fit into the overall content strategy.

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