🧁Inject some emotion – if people don’t feel, nothing happens.
🧁Stories ignite the imagination.
🧁Ask questions.
🧁”How would you feel if…
🧁Encourage someone to visualise and you encourage them to feel.
🧁If your customer is the ‘hero’, position your product/service as weapons they can use to overcome a ‘villain’.
🧁”What do you know about…
🧁Curiosity is the #1 reason people click.
🧁The hidden structure in all copy: promise, picture, proof, push.
🧁”Most people…
🧁Headlines grab attention, bullets build pressure and create curiosity, the CTA compels them.
🧁Make headlines urgent, useful, unique, ultra-specific.
🧁Use subheads to communicate a clear benefit.
🧁Use dialogue to make things real.
🧁Social proof: “X companies trust Y to…
🧁Add authority through testimonias, statistics, awards, logos.
🧁Use a stealth close: “By the way…
🧁People naturally have a strong bias to positively framed ideas.
🧁Use a memorable final sentence – try rhyme, rhythm, repetition.
🧁”How to…
🧁Words to delete: ought, perhaps, just, actually, very.
🧁Get your audience nodding ‘yes’ to something.
🧁Your audience is thinking about problems, questions, roadblocks, results.
🧁Write an ultra-short first sentence.
🧁Bullet point formula: “It…so you can…which means that…
🧁Add credibility by being specific.
🧁Use numbers to draw the eye.

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